Friday, May 06, 2011

Assassin's Creed Revelations Ends Ezio Story Game Preview

Ubisoft finally reveal the details of stories and games in Revelations. Based on these leaks, this seems to be the end of the story of the trilogy game Assassin's Creed.

Revelations true sequel had already been leaked via up some time ago, but news of its existence at that time still confusing and not yet recognized Ubisoft.

Through information received, on Friday (06/05/2011), the fourth series of the game Assassin's Creed is going to end the adventure Ezio in two previous series.

This time series will bring Ezio on his destiny as a descendant of famous assassin, Altair. After getting the 'enlightenment' of his ancestors, he was quickly into the heart of the Ottoman empire in Constantinople defense.

From here was predictable, that gamers would eventually deal directly with the Templar who crowded the area.

Based on the first screenshot appears, Ezio characters seen hanging on the edge of the building with a hooked blade hidden. It could be indicated that the increasing number of action stunts in this game.

Assassin's Creed Revelations, the plan will be released in November 2011 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. This game promised would be the end of an amazing story for Ezio.

"Bringing the final scene of the trilogy Ezio is the most important part of the series Assassins Creed. In order to satisfy his players, Revelations also will have several new features and significant changes," said Alexandre Amancio, Creative Director, Ubisoft Montreal.

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