Sunday, May 22, 2011

Apple Asking or Proposing Smaller SIM Card

Apple has proposed standardizing the SIM card which is smaller than that currently available. With the new standards are expected gadgets would be born with thinner.

A spokesman from the European Telecoms Standards Body (ETSI) has recognized the special desire of the manufacturer of the iPhone and iPad. It's just confirmed that the decision to legalize more mini SIM card which will not be coming in the near future.

"This process will certainly take some time, could be a year or even more. Especially if there is disagreement from other industry players," he said, quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (05/18/2011).

While the operator side, as the party that issued the SIM card, welcomed the enthusiasm for Apple to make a breakthrough in information and communications technology industry.

"We're pretty proud of what brought Apple to the ETSI to request a SIM card which is much smaller than the present buried in the iPhone 4 and iPad," said Anna Bouverot, Head of Mobile Servives Orange.

Apple's move was also judged to goals, let alone a number of mobile operators in mind would support the existence of more mini SIM card is.

Bouverot predicts, the first device that will instill the SIM card will come in early 2012.

But certainly, if that happens then this will be suautu crucial step for the industry as a whole. Where other vendors' devices will conform to the standards of the new SIM card.

"At one point, a number of vendors will surely adjust to the change from the side of the smartphone device size and weight," added analyst IDC technology from research institutions, Francisco Jeronimo.

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