Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nokia layoff 7000 employees

Nokia will make layoffs (Termination) of 7000 employees and divert Symbian development. This decision reportedly will save expenditure Nokia to $ 1.46 billion, to be able to survive in the competitive  smartphone market.

Reported by Reuters on Thursday (04/28/2011), Nokia said, about 4,000 employees laid off are mostly located in Finland, Denmark and Britain. Meanwhile, 3,000 other employees will be transferred to the company's outsourcing and consulting group Accenture, who will take over Nokia's Symbian software products.

On the same occasion, the Finnish mobile phone vendor is also details the business plan cell phone and have decided to start using Microsoft software rather than the Symbian platform itself.

"It seems that this decision to keep the focus on Nokia and Windows Phone. As such, this will help eliminate any doubt about where Nokia will 'drive'," said an analyst from research firm Gartner, Carolina Milanesi.

Previously, the national television station in Finland mentioned, most likely a Windows-based Nokia Phone 7 immediately available to consumers this year.

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