Friday, December 10, 2010

Novatel Wireless Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Franklin Wireless and ZTE

Novatel Wireless Inc, broadband wireless provider access solutions, announced that it has filed a lawsuit against that it has filed a lawsuit against Franklin Wireless Corp., ZTE Corp. and ZTE (USA), Inc. for infringing on five Novate Wireless’ patents related to key architecture and functionality of the MiFi family of intelligent Mobile Hotpots. The suit was filed the United States District Court for the Southern District of California. A MiFi intelligent Mobile Hotspot and with that created that whole new product category in the wireless ecosystem,” Chairman and the CEO of Novate Wireless Peter Leparulo said.  "We're confident that we will continue to lead the market, but competitors need to rely on their own inventions rather than infringe on ours," Leparulo continued.

Novatel Wireless, Inc. is a leader in the design and development of innovative wireless broadband access solutions based on 3G and 4G wireless technologies.  Novatel Wireless' Intelligent Mobile Hotspot products, software, USB modems and embedded modules enable high-speed wireless Internet access on leading wireless data networks. The Company delivers specialized wireless solutions to carriers, distributors, OEMs and vertical markets worldwide. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Novatel Wireless is listed on NASDAQ: NVTL. 

For more information please visit (NVTLG)

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