Saturday, December 18, 2010

iPod nano watch Project Raises almost $1 million Funds on Kickstarter

iPod nano watch kit design of TikTok an LunaTik captured the attention of the designer and Founder design studio MINIMAL - Scott Wilson, since he decided to raised $941,558 in funding to the development of iPod nano 6G watch kit on kickstarter and this now a officially successful Kickstarter project of all time. That figure is all more impressive when you consider that TikTok and LunaTik’s original goal was only $15,000 for the production. When we spoke to Wilson last month, he explained it was clear that the device could be a great wrist watch, after seeing the size and shape of the new nano. Wilson wasn’t alone to date; scores of companies have brought their own iPod nano watch straps or kits to market.

When the success of TikTok and LunaTik became clear, Wilson took measures to ramp up production at the factories in China. Through the course of the project, Wilson has offered up additional updates on the status of the kits, created a website for interested users who missed out on the Kickstarter pledge bonanza at and promoted other worthy Kickstarter projects. For the time being, you can now pre-order the kits (iPod nano not included).
The TikTok will sell for $34.95, while the snazzier LunaTik will pull down a cool $69.95. If you were one of the backers of the project, you'll be getting a significant discount. 

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