Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Futuristic water bottle uses technology, science to let you know you're thirsty

It sounds interesting, I read the news about the bottle can detect that you are thirsty.I read the post at engadet while ago which catch up my attention about this kind of device. How it going to work and function.  Research and development firm cambridge Consultants while showing off their concept fitness water bottle at CES in a few weeks.

The bottle itself has an ability to communicate with an app where you installed from your mobile phone by combining series of sensor along the parts of the bottle. The bottle, the sensor by itself measure ambient temperature, now much fluid you've pounded, and how often you've consumed it.

by the means of cellphone it use accelerometer to measure how hard you're working out and combine the heart rate data from your chest trap, After several moment while on work out the apps, determines whether you"re low on H2O and need to drink.

source: engadget

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