Monday, December 06, 2010

Appletell exclusive: Mac App Store to open December 13th?

It's no secret that the Mac App Store is launching soon. Jobs himself said that it would go live "within 90 days" back when the iOS-inspired App Store was announced on October 20th -- that's mid January, if the timeframe is carried to its fullest extent. Now we have AppleTell citing an "inside source" claiming that Apple is trying to launch the Mac App Store before Christmas, specifically targeting December 13th while telling developers to have their software ready by Monday, December 6th. Unfortunately, the Mac App Store also requires an OS update to end users to which MacRumors reminds us that the new OS X 10.6.6 has already been seeded to developers. So yeah, that's a pretty aggressive timeline if true and could possibly be kicked off by a press event that would also birth Apple's rumored recurring subscription billing model in support of Rupert Murdoch's The Daily digital newspaper.

Source: engadget

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