Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Download PCMAV 2.2b Valkyrie Update Build1 + Clamav (678.670+8 virus)

To further increase the virus database which can be detected then my PCMAV the newest PCMAV 2.2b Valkyrie Update Build1 + Clamav combined with the virus database from Clamav Antivirus. If you are going to try it you can read how in the readme.txt (in the download package). There is enough clear manual.

But if you do not want to be bothered and wanted to download so you can download it at the link I provide below (first way) or 3 times a download (the latter). PCMAV version 2.2b I integrate with engine Clamav 0.95.3 (latest for now). With this joint (the first way) then the virus database (total) to 678,670 + 8 virus. Most likely will be greater numbers by the second.

Note: For the combined Clamav PCMAV and I did the steps listed in the readme.txt. As an alternative because some steps in the readme.txt not the way you can download the file Microsoft.VC80.CRT then place in folder / plugins / clamav.

Download PCMAV 2.2b Valkyrie Update Build1 + Clamav : Here

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