Sunday, September 06, 2009

Download Smadav 2009 Rev 6.2

SmadAV 2009 Rev version 6.2 is a refinement SmadAV 2009 Rev. 6. The following is a complete list of SmadAV 2009 Rev.6.2 Improvement :

* Detection of sality virus that infects other programs
* Clean porn videos virus more accurate and complete
* Improved False Detection in a script file
* Improved False Detection in some dll files are detected as Conficker
* Create a shortcut on the desktop when installing SmaRTP
* Improvement of detection Hidden Files on Flashdisk
* Completion of the virus database structure
* Engine Scanner largely replaced by new techniques
* Completion of quarantine feature
* Improved the failure of the automatic scan flashdisk
* Added icon in the list of virus detection and quarantine
* Making smadav.log files after scanning is faster
* The install SmadAV the Program Files folder in the Windows folder is not longer

Download Here

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