Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sony Ericsson W518a Walkman

The AT & T recently introduced the newest mobile phone output product that is Sony Ericsson W518a Walkman. W518a Walkman mobile phone produced to continue the generation phone series Sony Ericsson W's existing past. And that, W518a Walkman mobile phone, according to you is like a mobile or listening to music while doing other activities.

W518a phone comes with features walkman series equipped with the ability to control roll while listening to music on the playlist, control the movement when there is an incoming call that is not sound, and the integration of Napster to download music. In addition, also equipped with a 3.2 megapixel camera presence and the facebook application on board.

According to the news of the AT & T, mobile phone products wakman was outstanding in the market starting July 19, and its own price is 100 USD, or about 1 million rupiah after the discounts with the latest course.

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