Friday, June 26, 2009

Netbook Nokia

Nokia have made a booking netbook, the most popular mobile computers at this time on Quanta Computer Inc. and Compal Electronics Inc. Information such as news from the Commercial Times, 25 June 2009. Both companies are the largest notebook manufacturer in the world to supply the product to computer manufacturers on board.

Netbook Nokia ordered from Quanta will use the Intel Atom processor chip. And according to a daily based in Taipei, the latest Nokia products that are ready to circulate in the third quarter of this year.

The Nokia smartbook ordered from Compal will use Qualcomm Snapdragon platform. Platform consists of processors with 1GHz speed, integrated 3G mobile broadband, Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth, GPS, and graphics that are able to bring high definition video with a resolution of 1280x720.

Nokia looks serious for the computer industry to plunge the previous day after they announced a partnership with Intel authorized. According to the plan, the products of Nokia smartphone will come, given the processor is Intel Netbook Nokia Atom. During this time, Nokia on ARM as the brain for their handset.

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